Lunches are charged at £900 per annum (chargeable in termly instalments of £300). The lunch charge is compulsory for pupils in Years 3-11.
Sixth Form students can opt out of school lunches if they wish, but we require their parents to give a term’s notice in writing to the Bursar.
A fee of £72.00 (inclusive of VAT) is payable, which is non-returnable, when a child is registered.
Acceptance Deposit
£400.00 is payable on acceptance of a place, to be repaid once your son or daughter has completed the final term of their time at QEH.
Cancellation Notice
Should you decide to cancel the place once the deposit has been paid you have a 14 day cancellation period.
A term’s notice is required, in writing to the Head, for the withdrawal of a child or a term’s fee will be charged in lieu of notice.
Class Outings
Essential educational trips are included in the fees.
Examination Fees
All external costs related to GCSE, AS/ A Level examinations and any other examinations are passed on to parents.
Most text books, exercise books and other equipment needed for lessons are issued to pupils in Years 3-11 free of charge but remain the property of the school.
iPad / Laptop
An iPad is issued to all pupils in Year 7 for use in Years 7, 8 and 9. A laptop is issued at the start of Year 10 for use in Years 10 and 11. These devices are a long term loan and remain the property of QEH. Sixth Form students are expected to bring their own suitable device, further information on this is available in the Sixth Form handbook.
Charges may be made for any books or devices which are lost or damaged.
Additional Details Junior School
Fees: Fees also include a residential camp in the summer term and a pass for weekday term time parking in the nearby multi storey car park, for a short period in the morning and afternoon for the convenience of drop off and collection.
After School Care: Charges made for the after school club are as follows: 17.00 – 18.00 or part thereof, there will be an added charge of £8.15 (for those staying after 17.00 light refreshments will be provided).
Personal Accident Insurance
INSURANCE: The school provides personal accident insurance for all pupils at no additional cost.
Chubb, the insurers, provide personal accident insurance.
For further details, please see the following documents:
- Personal Accident Insurance – Policy Summary
- Personal Accident Insurance – Privacy Notice
- Personal Accident Insurance – FAQs