2021 Junior

Exmoor at last

This week, Year 6 boys and their teachers headed off to Exmoor for their last QE Award trip of the year and of the Junior School.  QE Camp is the final part of their two year outdoor pursuit programme and is the culmination of the skills they have learned and journey they have been on.

Exmoor at last

This week, Year 6 boys and their teachers headed off to Exmoor for their last QE Award trip of the year and of the Junior School.  QE Camp is the final part of their two year outdoor pursuit programme and is the culmination of the skills they have learned and journey they have been on.

This week, Year 6 boys and their teachers headed off to Exmoor for their last QE Award trip of the year and of the Junior School.  QE Camp is the final part of their two year outdoor pursuit programme and is the culmination of the skills they have learned and journey they have been on.

After being dropped off in Porlock, they had an hour long walk, climbing 200m, to reach the campsite for the night. Luckily the school Land Rover was able to negotiate the steep, narrow lanes and take all the overnight bags, food and kitchen equipment up to site! It was incredibly hot, so after plenty of rehydrating and a good lunch, energy levels were restored enough to be able to set up camp.

Eventually tents were up (in some shape or form) and it was time for the afternoon’s activity. The boys were put into groups, given a map and radio and set off on a route around Ley Hill and Horner Wood. They had to navigate their way, on their own, to find 6 ‘hidden treasures’ (boxes) all of which contained a card with an item of food representing a part of their dinner and breakfast. No card, no part of that meal!

This was a really challenging activity. It was physically demanding as there was plenty of walking up and down hills. It also tested their navigation skills and their ability to work together, in a challenging environment, when they were tired.

Members of staff were positioned around the course to remotely supervise their progress and step in if necessary, but impressively they weren’t needed! Suffice to say all groups did brilliantly. They managed to find every box but even more impressive was the way they worked together, supported and encouraged each other to complete the activity.  The added bonus was as they found every box and they didn’t go hungry over the rest of the trip!

The evening was spent relaxing at the campsite and eating a lovely meal cooked by Mr Leighton and his sous chefs. It was then time for marshmallows around the campfire, during which time the boys made some very insightful observations on the day, what they had enjoyed and what it meant to them to help or be helped by their friends.

Tired limbs were then dragged off to bed, (the boys also turned in then!) for a ‘good’ night’s sleep!

Wednesday morning was spent packing up camp and then walking back down the hill to Porlock to meet the coach for the journey home.

We presume all Year 6 parents had a peaceful night as the boys had some serious catching up on sleep to do that night!

Many thanks to Mrs Hall, Mrs Russell and Mr Leighton for their help and to all of Year 6 for a wonderful time in a beautiful location.

Our pupils have excelled in this year’s national Intermediate Maths Challenge.

Success at The National Intermediate Maths Challenge for QEH

Daniel represented England at the Interland Cup, showcasing his orienteering talent in a challenging five kilometer race.

Daniel Shines in Orienteering

As well as being Head of Religion and Philosophy, Zak leads our digital vision. He was instrumental in developing our excellent online learning offering during lockdown, much to the relief of our parents, and is now leading the roll out of our school device programme.

Anyone feeling hungry?

As well as being Head of Religion and Philosophy, Zak leads our digital vision. He was instrumental in developing our excellent online learning offering during lockdown, much to the relief of our parents, and is now leading the roll out of our school device programme.

QEH junior photographs ‘Colour in Nature’

QEH has fulfilled its role in turning out a well-rounded young man able to take his place in the world  . . . not one simply packed full of facts.  He has the ability to think for himself and to turn those thoughts into effective actions.
Anton, Parent
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