
Senior Head’s Welcome Why Boys Only? Academic Pastoral Lower School (Years 7 and 8) Year 9 Middle School (Years 10 and 11) Medical And Health Catering Enrichment Sport Performing Arts Music Music Technology Drama Co-curricular Clubs and Activities Trips Outdoor Pursuits Futures GCSE Results Co-curricular Sometimes students learn as much out of the classroom as [...]


Sometimes students learn as much out of the classroom as in it.

Climbing in the Himalayas, singing in the USA, skiing in the Alps and just enjoying the attractions and landmarks of Bristol – we believe in offering rich and diverse experiences beyond the classroom which complement what we do in school.

Younger boys throw themselves into the annual Activities Week, older ones tackle the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award and the annual Ten Tors Competition.

Holidays invariably see a QEH party abroad: historians to World War I battlefields, linguists to Spain, classicists and philosophers to Italy, geographers to Iceland, biologists to the Galapagos Islands, artists to Barcelona, musicians to Italy or the USA and rugby tourists to Canada or South Africa.

We think of others too through fundraising and social work. Regular non-uniform days and Children in Need collections see large amounts raised: Year 7 boys undertake a sponsored hike each year for charity. Recent projects have seen boys working in practical ways to support the homeless and asylum seekers, putting our school motto, “Whilst we have time, let us do good”, into practice.

QEH provides a safe, nurturing environment where each pupil is treated as an individual.  The results are confident young men who truly believe in themselves.  Freddie now has a passion for learning and the confidence to apply it which is due to the school, its understanding of boys and its fantastic staff.
Lisa, Parent

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