QEH Student Podcast

QEH Student Podcast
About Us About Aims and Values Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Friends of QEH Inspection Reports Policies Staff and Governors Sustainability Term Dates Transport Vacancies QEH Student Podcast Old Elizabethans Alumni Take 30 @ QEH We hope you enjoy listening to the QEH Student Podcast - Take 30 @ QEH. A student-run podcast bringing you insights, [...]

Take 30 @ QEH

We hope you enjoy listening to the QEH Student Podcast – Take 30 @ QEH.

A student-run podcast bringing you insights, stories, and conversations from the pupils and staff of QEH. In just 30 minutes, they dive into school life, inspiring experiences, and the voices that make our community unique. Tune in for laughter, learning, and lively discussions – all from the heart of QEH!

The podcast is available on Spotify.


If once you are in the podcast, you press the subscribe option, you will automatically be notified when each episode is added.


If you have any feedback or suggestions for future guests or topics, please email marketing@qehbristol.co.uk.

QEH provides a safe, nurturing environment where each pupil is treated as an individual.  The results are confident young men who truly believe in themselves.  Freddie now has a passion for learning and the confidence to apply it which is due to the school, its understanding of boys and its fantastic staff.
Lisa, Parent

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