Congratulations to our new Senior Prefect Team!

Congratulations to our newly appointed School Officers!
Over the Spring Term Year 12 students applied for positions as School Officers. The extensive application process involved writing a letter of application to the Head, a presentation to a member of the Senior Leadership Team and two interviews, including one with the Head.
These positions of responsibility and leadership play a crucial role in the running of the school and also represent the student voice of the school.
As well as the Captains, Vice-Captains and the traditional Captain of Boarders role this year all the Prefects have a specific area of responsibility in the school.
These include:
- Academics
- Alumni and BEP
- Eco and Sustainability
- Junior School liaison
- Marketing, Events and Catering
- Peer Support
- Year 7
- Year 8
- Year 9
We are looking forward to working with them over the coming year.
Keep an eye on our social media to meet all the Officers over the next few weeks!