
Admission Admissions Welcome Junior Admissions Senior Admissions Sixth Form Admissions Open Events and Visits Fees Bursaries Scholarships Registration Key Dates Virtual Tour Bursaries QEH has given substantial financial help towards the education of its pupils in Bristol since its foundation in 1590. The school is committed to broadening access by offering eligible parents/guardians means-tested financial [...]


QEH has given substantial financial help towards the education of its pupils in Bristol since its foundation in 1590.

The school is committed to broadening access by offering eligible parents/guardians means-tested financial support with school fees.  It continues to provide a first class education to its pupils, including children whose families would otherwise not be able to afford the fees.


The school provides bursaries at 11+ onwards. In addition to its own resources, support comes from a number of other sources, including the John James Foundation (a Bristol-based charity), the Elizabethan Society and friends of the school. Bursaries are means-tested and up to 100% assistance towards fees may be available.


All pupils are eligible to apply to financial support based on an assessment of the family’s means, which takes parents’ income and the value of capital assets into consideration. As a guideline, where joint parental income is above £75,000 a child is unlikely to qualify for assistance.


Every year, there are more applications than there are funds available, and performance in the entrance exams is part of the assessment process.

To begin the application process, prospective parents should tick the ‘bursary request’ box on the on-line registration form. The bursary assistance form will be emailed to you to complete upon receipt of an application form.


Please note the deadline to apply for a bursary for Year 7 pupils wishing to enter in September 2025 will be Tuesday 7 January 2025.


If you have any queries with regards to the bursary process, please contact the Bursar’s Office at assistance@qehbristol.co.uk

We are so happy we made the decision to send our son to QEH.  He has settled in quickly and enjoys everything the school has to offer in terms of academic studies and extra-curricular activities.  He goes to school happy and he comes home from school happy.
Julian & Eleni, Current Parents

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