2024 Senior

Meet our new Librarian: Miss Richardson

“Hello, I am Miss Richardson, the new QEH librarian. I started my career in education as a teaching assistant, where I discovered my passion for books and librarianship.

Meet our new Librarian: Miss Richardson

“Hello, I am Miss Richardson, the new QEH librarian. I started my career in education as a teaching assistant, where I discovered my passion for books and librarianship.

Can you please tell us a little bit more about yourself?

“Hello, I am Miss Richardson, the new QEH librarian. I started my career in education as a teaching assistant, where I discovered my passion for books and librarianship. I then obtained my Master’s in Information Management in 2016. Since 2017, when I started my first librarian job, I have been involved in various prestigious events, ranging from serving as a trustee on the School Library Association board, judging the Pupil Library Assistant of the Year Award and organising the Bristol Teen Book Award. I have also delivered talks at the University of the West of England to Information Management Masters students about school librarianship and was a guest on multiple roundtable discussions about various issues and ideas related to librarians for a film series by Myatt and Co.”

Please can you tell us where the library is and what we offer?

“The QEH library is situated at the top of the main QEH Building, housing a main library space and various breakout study rooms. The library holds over 10,000 books and an online catalogue which includes: Non-Fiction, Junior Fiction, Senior Fiction, Graphic Novels and Short Stories. The library is open 8am – 4:30pm, all students are allowed to go during any free time and break/lunch. Students from Year 7-11 are allowed to sign out 3 books and Sixth Form can borrow up to 6 books, all for 3 weeks at a time. The centre of the library also features a TV where weekly content and clubs are displayed for the students to look at.”

What is your vision for the QEH library?

“My aim is to foster a reading culture across all year groups and staff. I hear lots of staff and students say they are not huge fans of reading but I believe it is down to the fact they have not found the right book for them. This is something I want to be able to change and offer as many variations of books as possible, so there is something for everyone. I would also like to introduce author events, clubs, shadowing reading awards, and year group challenges.”

What happens in the library?

“The library already hosts weekly clubs like Chess, Warhammer, Historical Model Making, and Book Groups. Since I have started, I have initiated the National Graphic Novel Award, this is where students can read graphic novels and vote for their favourites. I also have plans to start a Sixth Form Literacy society.”

What’s the best part about being the QEH librarian?

“My favourite part about being the QEH librarian is connecting with students, fostering relationships, and creating a welcoming atmosphere. I envision the library as a vibrant hub, promoting relaxation and a sense of belonging.”

What are you most looking forward to achieving?

“I am looking forward to seeing the impact of my presence, ideas and aspirations come together and to see results within the students as a result of my hard work. I am dedicated to making the library an even greater place for students through innovative visions and ideas.”

What is your favourite book and what books would you recommend?

“My childhood favourite was “Charlotte’s Web” which evolved into “Perks of Being a Wallflower”. However, now I have lots of favourite books so it is difficult to choose. I like to share my love for books with students through the ‘Miss Richardson’s faves’ shelf, which features age-appropriate recommendations.”

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