2023 Senior Sixth Form

Prize Giving 2023

Our annual Prize Giving Ceremony took place at Clifton Cathedral on Friday 20 October 2023.  The morning was filled with moments of celebration and achievement for QEH pupils.

Prize Giving 2023

Our annual Prize Giving Ceremony took place at Clifton Cathedral on Friday 20 October 2023.  The morning was filled with moments of celebration and achievement for QEH pupils.

Our annual Prize Giving Ceremony took place at Clifton Cathedral on Friday 20 October 2023.  The morning was filled with moments of celebration and achievement for QEH pupils.

Kevin Riley, Chair of Governors, took the opportunity to thank pupils and staff for all their hard work in the previous year. Rupert Heathcote, Head, helped by senior prefects presented a highly enjoyable summary of the huge range of events and activities that have happened over the academic year.

Pupils, staff and invited guests were delighted to hear from, OE Nick Beake, a BBC Foreign Correspondent, who fondly remembered his first prize giving when he was in Year 7. He went on to recount his adventures from around the world. Captains of School Anastasia and Ed introduced and thanked him.

Our prize winners received their books from Mr Beake and were congratulated by Mr Heathcote and Mr Pursall, Deputy Head Pastoral.

The QEH choir beautifully performed True Colors by Cyndi Lauper and the service concluded with a resounding rendition of The School song.

Following the ceremony, we hosted our invited guests in the School Room, for drinks and nibbles in which staff, parents and pupils spoke on their achievements. We look forward to next year’s ceremony, and we thank everyone who attended.

Our pupils have excelled in this year’s national Intermediate Maths Challenge.

Success at The National Intermediate Maths Challenge for QEH

Daniel represented England at the Interland Cup, showcasing his orienteering talent in a challenging five kilometer race.

Daniel Shines in Orienteering

As well as being Head of Religion and Philosophy, Zak leads our digital vision. He was instrumental in developing our excellent online learning offering during lockdown, much to the relief of our parents, and is now leading the roll out of our school device programme.

Anyone feeling hungry?

Yesterday, the Girls’ 1st XI Hockey team won the tier 4 South West Regional tournament, and qualified for the National Finals - a historic achievement for QEH.

Girls’ Hockey team heading for the National Finals!

You run a remarkable school with an ethic that is truly unique. It shines through in each and every boy. There’s something in the way the teachers know every boy’s talent and in the way the boys support each other (while also embracing real competition!) that’s just remarkable.
Esther, Parent
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