2023 Junior Senior Sixth Form

QEH – Excellent in all areas!

In November and December 2022, QEH welcomed a team of Independent School Inspectors (ISI) for our first inspection since 2018.

QEH – Excellent in all areas!

In November and December 2022, QEH welcomed a team of Independent School Inspectors (ISI) for our first inspection since 2018.

In November and December 2022, QEH welcomed a team of Independent School Inspectors (ISI) for our first inspection since 2018.

ISI is appointed by the Department for Education to inspect association independent schools in England. Our inspection was a focused compliance inspection which was combined with an inspection of educational quality. The focused compliance inspection reports only on the school’s compliance with the standards. The standards represent minimum requirements and judgements are given either as ‘met’ or ‘not met’ only. QEH ‘met’ the requirements in all 8 areas.

In regards to the educational quality inspection, this reports on the quality of the school’s work. It focused on two key outcomes; the achievement of the pupils, including their academic development, and the personal development of the pupils.

ISI inspections use grades as part of the report. ISI does not make a single overarching judgement on a school but instead makes a clear judgement for the two aspects using one of the following four grades:

  1. Excellent
  2. Good
  3. Sound
  4. Unsatisfactory

QEH was awarded the highest award possible in all areas – Excellent

Head, Rupert Heathcote said, “I am delighted with the glowing inspection report, it is superb to have all the incredible hard work from all our staff – teaching and support – validated in this way. I am proud of the report and the numerous outstanding observations made about our pupils; the care and respect that they show for one another; the quality of each pupils’ personal development. The Junior School was rightly recognised also for developing an excellent approach to learning for our younger pupils with their values-based philosophy. The team of inspectors conducted a detailed and in-depth review, and to have an objective source provide us with a robust endorsement provides us a great foundation on which to continue to build as we work towards our future goals.”

We hope that you will read the ISI Report in its entirety. However, there are some highlights detailed below for ease of reference.

“Pupils achieve a high standard of results in public examinations, reflecting their consistent progress through the school.”

“Pupils are confident articulate communicators; they listen well and produce effective written work.”

“The quality of the pupils’ personal development is excellent.”

“Pupils engage fully in the wide-ranging extra-curricular programme offered by the school and gain success in many areas.”

“Pupils display genuine respect and tolerance towards each other, creating a caring and supportive community.”

“Pupils in the Junior School develop an excellent approach to learning as part of the values-based education philosophy, promoted by the school’s leaders.”

“Pupils have led the way in recognising differences within the school, by setting up groups for those of particular faith or for gender differences and they are very supportive of each other.”

“Pupils develop new perspectives from the many outreach projects with which they are involved.”

Download the full ISI report here

Download the report from the ISI website here (this will be uploaded by ISI soon)

Our pupils are deep into their Ten Tors training, taking on challenging expeditions across the Mendips, Exmoor, and Brecon Beacons.

Ten Tors Training: Conquering the Elements

At QEH, sustainability is at the heart of our community. From reducing food waste with Holroyd Howe to promoting sustainable transport and engaging in wildlife conservation, our pupil-led initiatives are making a real impact.

QEH Leading the Way in Sustainability and Eco Initiatives

As well as being Head of Religion and Philosophy, Zak leads our digital vision. He was instrumental in developing our excellent online learning offering during lockdown, much to the relief of our parents, and is now leading the roll out of our school device programme.

QEH welcomes GCSE pupils back to school for results

On Friday 10 September we had the pleasure of welcoming 17 OEs back into school to talk to our Year 13 students, who are busy with their university applications.

Students Return For UCAS Afternoon

QEH has fulfilled its role in turning out a well-rounded young man able to take his place in the world  . . . not one simply packed full of facts.  He has the ability to think for himself and to turn those thoughts into effective actions.
Anton, Parent