2020 Junior Senior Sixth Form

QEH or Hogwarts?

As well as being Head of Religion and Philosophy, Zak leads our digital vision. He was instrumental in developing our excellent online learning offering during lockdown, much to the relief of our parents, and is now leading the roll out of our school device programme.

QEH or Hogwarts?

As well as being Head of Religion and Philosophy, Zak leads our digital vision. He was instrumental in developing our excellent online learning offering during lockdown, much to the relief of our parents, and is now leading the roll out of our school device programme.

We often hear visitors comparing QEH to Hogwarts and today that comparison seemed even more appropriate, as our pupils quaffed pumpkin spiced lattes and devoured pumpkin cheesecake!

Our caterers, Holroyd Howe, often hold tasting events for pupils to encourage them to try new foods and to help them find out more about nutrition. Today it was the turn of the Hallowe’en favourite – pumpkins! The pupils found out that pumpkins are low in cholesterol, fat and sodium but full of healthy vitamins, minerals and that they taste good too. Some came back for a second helping. . .

This Hallowe’en, once you’ve hollowed out your pumpkin, save the pumpkin flesh and try the recipes!

Our pupils have excelled in this year’s national Intermediate Maths Challenge.

Success at The National Intermediate Maths Challenge for QEH

Daniel represented England at the Interland Cup, showcasing his orienteering talent in a challenging five kilometer race.

Daniel Shines in Orienteering

As well as being Head of Religion and Philosophy, Zak leads our digital vision. He was instrumental in developing our excellent online learning offering during lockdown, much to the relief of our parents, and is now leading the roll out of our school device programme.

Black History is British History and British History is Black History

The School's first Eco-Committee for the year brought together over 20 staff and students last week.

Our Eco-Updates

On my first day of Senior School it felt like I was let into a new family.
Current Pupil
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