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Taking on the Ten Tors Challenge!

Ollie is a QEH ‘lifer’, as he joined QEH Juniors in Year 3, eleven years ago.  It’s been great to watch his development through the years, both on and off the pitch.

Taking on the Ten Tors Challenge!

Ollie is a QEH ‘lifer’, as he joined QEH Juniors in Year 3, eleven years ago.  It’s been great to watch his development through the years, both on and off the pitch.

Another hugely successful challenge with 6 QEH teams all successfully completing their walks with no fallouts.

All 6 teams successfully braved the challenging Dartmoor terrain and completed their walks with outstanding performance.

Our two 35-mile teams powered through, finishing early with the A team closely trailing behind as the 2nd team to cross the finish line.

The three 45-mile teams showcased incredible determination, with our A team finishing first in their category!

The highlight? Our phenomenal 55-mile team who pushed through an extraordinary distance just days before their first A-level exam.

We couldn’t be prouder of their grit and resilience!

Well done all!

QEH are even mentioned in this article on the BBC news home page today, about the Ten Tors event!

To read more:

QEH pupils enjoyed an unforgettable cricket tour in Cape Town, competing fiercely, exploring iconic sights, and spotting wildlife at Aquila.

South Africa Cricket Tour 2025

Our pupils have excelled in this year’s national Intermediate Maths Challenge.

Success at The National Intermediate Maths Challenge for QEH

As well as being Head of Religion and Philosophy, Zak leads our digital vision. He was instrumental in developing our excellent online learning offering during lockdown, much to the relief of our parents, and is now leading the roll out of our school device programme.

Induction day, but not as we know it!

This week, Year 6 boys and their teachers headed off to Exmoor for their last QE Award trip of the year and of the Junior School.  QE Camp is the final part of their two year outdoor pursuit programme and is the culmination of the skills they have learned and journey they have been on.

Exmoor at last

With our two sons being at this school over the past 13 years, we could not be happier with the amazing teachers, teaching and all the extra activities outside of the curriculum. Both boys have come away with outstanding results and aside from that as perfectly rounded, confident and well-mannered young men. We leave today so thanks to the school for everything, we shall miss these days.
Sharon, Former Parent
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